Tuesday, June 23, 2009

lets try this again with the maps application html insertion thingy shall we?

View Larger Map'>http://
View Larger Map

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour


i just experienced earth hour. for one hour (between 8 pm & 9 pm, just now) turned out all the lights, tv, and computer. julia is out, so here i sat for one hour, in the dark and silence.

okay, it wasnt exactly silent. cars driving by, voices outside, the normal white noise that is living in the city. and not exactly dark, either. the street lights that burn ~25 feet outside most of my windows stood their ground tonight. it would be nice for dc to participate next year.

so for 60 minutes, in my quieter, darker living room, i read several pages in the wheel of the year calendar, smiling at some of the observances in the calendar. and i put lotion on. just a slow simple hour, no worries, no intrusions, just peace, words that made me smile, and soft skin.

thanks for my children's children's children for everyone that participated! and as i lay me down to sleep tonight, i pray for more next year.

if you are reading this, please learn one thing tomorrow about how to treat mother earth just a little bit kindler, a little bit... ya, softer.


Friday, March 28, 2008

s'been a month

yep, just as predicted... not a very happenin blog. c'est la vie.

been real busy tho! running to the farm every weekend. julia is home this week!!! yay!!! must take her back sunday, then to bedford monday for testing (homeschoolers have to go to a school for standardized testing). monday while i wait for her testing to be finnished (6 hours!!!) i plan to meet with tina, a local realtor, with the hopes she will show me some apartments there in bedford. bedford is where we plan to move to in august - yes, august - that's like 3-4 months away.

busy too with tribe.net monitoring and forum monitoring, and posting wickerman allover hellangone. it's shaping up to be a pretty awesome event. we've got a dozen registered tmeme camps, and quite a few more folks are talking about, but havent actually commited to. its been a whirlwind of excitement.

havent done much felting lately. i had to shut down the studio when julia came home (well, it IS her bedroom, afterall) i have a growing list of projects but it's like writer's block - only it's felter's block. im hoping that when we move to bedford, i will get hooked up with the local artists, and keep inspired. i LOVE felting, its like magic, but lose my inspiration so easily.

z and i were talking today about her new studies of golden dawn, which caused me to think about an old friend. he wrote me an actual paper letter last fall, and i am ashamed that i didnt even respond to him. i found that he has a blogger thingy too, so i think i will drop him a note to see how the spring is treating him.

so, til next month ::laughs:: or sooner...


Friday, February 29, 2008

oh no no no

i think
i may
be getting the flu

pray for me

i'm not ready to die


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

route 70 is a revolving door

this coming weekend, bridget and i will go to pick up julia, and spend the weekend in altoona, pa. REALLY REALLY not my idea of a great weekend away, but julia is meeting friends there, and being the only teenager in those there parts, its important to her.

than back to the farm again on march 8th - beltaine planning & bridget's moon service and yummy num nums (& maybe avahugs and mickeykisses!!), then off to baltimore to celebrate festive with pisces a plenty.

back again on the 16th - wickerman planning

the 23rd... full moon and BoD

then, it's april.

so ya... the fact that rt 70 doesnt have tolls, is a blessing i can count this coming month.

i should just live there for heaven's sake!


first post ever

i admit, im not much of a poster.

why did i create this blog?
::shrugs:: i was influenced by my peers.
i want to be like the cool kids

so, here's to me!... actively posting things of interest... including, but not limited to:

kenny and julia's doings
my friends and all their happy goodness
planning meetings
church fun & spirituality
travels to pennsylvania
finding more on my family history!
felting ideas and epiphanies (sp)

and stuff
